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Fashion Portrait



Vote Pictures is legally compliant and adheres to guidelines set by the VGCCC to conduct what is termed a 'game of skill'. These guidelines generally apply to most other countries. A game of skill is a competition or contest that involves selection based on contributed activities or skills by members. In most jurisdictions globally the following guidelines apply:


- All entrants must be judged individually on their merit

- Clear guidelines must be provided on how selection is attained

- One winner is chosen based on skill



Our global picture contest involves selection based on member contributed activity. Members post pictures and seek likes from friends, family and followers. The first member to get 2000 likes on any picture monthly is selected. The selected member is paid $20,000.



How the reward amount is determined


Members are required to join our network for a $10 monthly fee. Our network is fully automated and allows only subscribed members to view or like pictures. A minimum of 2000 likes from subscribed members is required to be selected, thereby ensuring that the competition is self sustainable and funds will always be available to those who are selected. Vote Pictures is also fully incorporated and registered with ASIC.




Join our $20,000 global photo contest here







Contact: Contact
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